WCBA Member-to-Member Contacts
- If a member would like to notify the general membership of an upcoming event that would be of interest to the membership, the member must contact a Board Director who will bring the issue to the Board for approval at the next scheduled Board meeting. If the Board determines that the event is of interest to the general membership, the membership shall be notified through publication in the Scriptus and/or as an addition to the Waukesha County Bar website. If time is of the essence, the membership may be notified via electronic mail at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors. – Policy adopted by the WCBA Board, October 2008.
- Please note, it is an established practice of the Waukesha County Bar Association Board of Directors to turn down requests for a mailing list of our members. Instead, we suggest that those wishing to obtain a mailing list or labels to use to contact Waukesha County attorneys and the Wisconsin Bar Association for that information. To contact WisBar for mailing labels, please e-mail or telephone WisBar’s customer service department at service@wisbar.org, (608) 257-3838, (800) 728-7788.
- The WCBA will help those wishing to contact our members by using our e-mail distribution list or our website for appropriate announcements. (See policy, above). Please contact any officer, director or the webmaster for your request to be considered. Please note that our membership e-mail list does not encompass all attorneys who live or practice law in Waukesha County as membership in our organization is strictly voluntary and not all of our members have provided us with e-mail addresses. – Policy adopted by the WCBA Board, October 2004.