State Bar of Wisconsin – District 6 Vacancy
The State Bar of Wisconsin Board of Governors (BOG) District #6 (Waukesha County) presently has one opening for a representative. Normally, the term of office is two years, commencing on July 1 following the spring elections. When a vacancy occurs, a new representative steps in and serves the remaining term. In this situation, the representative would be up for re-election in 2023.
The State Bar of Wisconsin is governed by a 52-member Board of Governors. The Board of Governors manages and directs the affairs and activities of your organization. The Board includes 35 members elected from 16 State Bar districts (Board of Governors District Map) around the state in addition to the five officers and representatives from divisions and affiliate groups. BOG members can serve two consecutive two-year terms before terming off the Board. Here is a position description outlining the duties, requirements and qualifications for Board of Governors members. Candidates must be active State Bar of Wisconsin members and have their principal office in District 6.
Below are the BOG meeting dates and locations through June 2023:
September 22-23, 2022 The Osthoff Resort, Elkhart Lake
December 2, 2022 State Bar Center, Madison
February 24, 2023 Virtual
April 14, 2023 State Bar Center, Madison
June 14, 2023 The Pfister Hotel, Milwaukee
If you know of an individual interested in being a candidate, please encourage them to submit a personal statement (250 words or less) including qualifications for and interest in serving on the Board and how you contribute to the diversity and inclusion of the Board of Governors to Jan Marks, Board of Governors Liaison. We ask that individuals not submit anything other than the personal statement for consideration by the Board. As additional background information, pleases consider the State Bar’s diversity and inclusion statement when completing the statement of interest. (The term “diversity” has a dynamic meaning that evolves as the demographics in the state change. It is an inclusive concept that encompasses, among other things, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation and disability. Inclusion helps to create a culture that embraces people from the widest range of talent and experience and promotes understanding and respect for all people and different points of view in the legal profession.)
Please find the State Bar’s mission and vision, guiding principles and strategic priorities here.
All applications for the vacancy will be considered by the BOG prior to its next meeting being held on Friday, September 23. All applications are due to Jan Marks no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, July 29. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Jan Marks, (608-250-6106).