Seeking Mock Trial Judges
The State Bar is seeking volunteer judges for the 2023 Waukesha Regional High School Mock Trial Competition! Mock trial is back in person, and this year will be held at the Waukesha County Courthouse on February 4th, 2023. The event is being coordinated by Michelle Fitzgerald and Karyn Youso. The easiest way to sign up is with this link, but you can also email Karyn or Michelle directly to be added to the list. Their emails are linked below.
They need presiding and scoring judges for both morning and afternoon sessions. Please select Region 6 and then your availability and if you prefer presiding or scoring judge when you sign up. This year’s case is a criminal homicide. Here is the link to the case materials and handbook for your reading pleasure:
Pages 56 – 68 of the handbook have the relevant information and score sheets for judges. Thanks for volunteering!
Karyn Youso –
Michelle Fitzgerald –