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WCBA Annual Ethics Seminar (11/18/21)

Zoom Video Conference $0.00
Scales of Justice and Law books on a wooden background.




EVENT:          Annual Waukesha County Bar Association Ethics Seminar

DATE:           November 18, 2021

TIME:            9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Please join us, via a virtual meeting*, for the Waukesha County Bar Association’s annual ethics seminar!  This seminar is free for current WCBA members.

We will be applying for 3.0 CLE ethics credits.  We hope you can join us, as we believe these topics are very timely to our current working situation.

Speakers and topics are listed in the table below.

Speaker (Firm) Topic
Tim Pierce (State Bar of Wisconsin) Ethical Issues When Using Social Media
Richard Cayo/Stacie Rosenweig (Halling & Cayo) Ethical Issues Involving Remote Work
Dan Conley (Quarles & Brady) Ethical Traps in Crisis Response Situations

*The meeting link will be sent a couple of days prior to the seminar to all registered participants, and again the day prior.  Registration is ONLINE ONLY.  Please note only WCBA members are eligible to register.


**The seminar materials are now available to download for registered members!  Links below:

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