TOPIC: Managing Malpractice Risks – Pitfalls in Law Practice during the COVID Era and Beyond
TIME: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Please join us, via a virtual Zoom meeting, for a presentation addressing the pandemic and its impact on the legal practice. This seminar is free for current WCBA members.
Tom Watson and Matt Beier from the Wisconsin Lawyer’s Mutual Insurance Company will provide up-to-date information about the pandemic and its impact on the legal profession, client communications during the pandemic, suing clients for unpaid fees, billing policies, client relations errors, administrative procedures and policies and additional general malpractice information.
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Please click here to see the outline for the CLE presentation hosted by the Waukesha County Bar Association on September 17, 2020: Managing Malpractice Risks – Common Pitfalls in Law Practice During the COVID Era and Beyond.